Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thank you Rush Limbaugh!

I first heard tales of the Republican bru-haha this past weekend--the kerfuffle between Michael Steele, head of the GOP, and Rush over Steele's statement that Rush was "an entertainer" and has been known to make ugly remarks. Duh. Where's the surprise there? Why did this man then hurriedly rush (forgive the Pun) to retract or minimize damages from these statements, which are more or less true. When I heard this, my first reaction was "Brilliant, Rush is showing himself to be the ass he is, which will require conservatives and Republicans to finally take a stand and hopefully repudiate him as the "intellectual" leader of the GOP."

Reading Tim Egan's blog on NYT just confirmed my hopes, that in fact Rush was acting as his and the Republican party's own worst enemy--falling into the well-played trap set for him by the Democrats and egged on by Rahm Emmanuel's comments on "Meet the Press" (I believe). He represents all that is wrong with the Republican party--so focused on partisan divisions that he refuses to consider any sort of compromise or horse trading over issues. He pretends to be the moral force for the conservative party and yet as Egan's blog illustrates his comments are often racist, sexist and divisionary. How is that useful for putting our country back together again. Although, really, someone who could continually defend GWB over the past 8 years without batting an eye is maybe not the best role model for any political party. Even supporters of certain candidates should be able to look on their chosen one with some degree of criticality. Anyway, I'm going to defer to Al Franken's book from a few years ago: Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot.

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