Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Can't we all just get along?

So, I liked Obama from the beginning, although frankly i thought he would not be able to beat Hillary. But, thankfully, I was wrong. I guess I was believing the press--those that said he was just in his opening salvo with more to come in later years, too junior, too black, too inexperienced to be President. Sounds a lot like what we are hearing now: this stimulus package is dead, there's no way he's going to get it through, Americans are against it and him. Well, I'm in agreement with NY Times Op-Ed columnist Frank Rich, these ideas are totally at odds with how well he is doing these days as President. In fact, his approval ratings are still flying high, so are America's approval ratings for the stimulus package.

How ludicrous to think that the American public elected this guy and now expect the Republicans in Congress to object fiercely to anything and everything he suggests. For crying out loud, the guy is so far from arrogant that he has even said publicly that he is willing to take suggestions and work out compromises--even though it can be argued that these compromises have hurt the ultimate bill that emerged. But for the sake of compromise and trying to be a leader of us all, Obama is all about working with others. I guess the Republicans have gotten so fat and lazy after 8 years under Bush where you didn't have to and weren't expected to try to work with anyone across the aisle from you. Well, wake up guys, those days are over. If you didn't get the memo that accompanied Obama's victory, let me spell it out for you here: We the American people are sick and tired of your phony excuses saying you are standing up for us. The truth is that you care more about your silly dogmatic agenda than you do about caring for the needs of our country. It is not democrats versus republicans anymore. It's about America. Grow up and stop throwing your silly temper tantrums and try to be the bigger person by working with your peers no matter what party they have joined.

Sorry for venting, but it's pretty ridiculous this bitterness that isn't doing anything to correct the situation, but just making things worse. Although, frankly, after your recent performance, some of you will not be staying around very long after November, so enjoy your last few months in office. Good riddance.

Let me just say, my criticism toward Republicans is primarily directed towards those in Congress. Kudos to those Republican governors who can see past the ends of their noses and get past party rhetoric to find a way to work together with the Administration that actively sought their input in the stimulus package to begin with. So, not all are hopeless idealogues with no real concern for the needs of their constituents.

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