Monday, November 3, 2008

All about tomorrow

I don't know about you, but I am way curious to see what happens tomorrow. D-day. It will be quite interesting to say the least, but I can't help but wonder if all the pundits will be proven correct or otherwise. Will voters really turn to their basest values once the curtain is pulled closed in the voting booths, where politics of color trump politics of principle? Or will it be the landslide that some are calling for? I'm also curious and slightly worried about the actual voting process--will the lines be crazy? will we have the "chad" issue again? what's up with the provisional ballots? what about all those folks who registered but maybe aren't verified according to the election boards? how many lawsuits will come from tomorrow?

I can hope for the best. I hope that people will actually try to vote according to the issues rather than whoever gives them a "warm fuzzy." I read an article today regarding the fact that many American voters don't vote based on issues, but are instead irrational decision-makers, who actually do vote based on their "gut" feelings or some other subjective issue that does not have to necessarily conform to an objective reality. Gotta love that. But what studies do find, however, is that whoever spends the most on advertising tends to have a significant advantage. Hello Bloomberg, Corzine, and now I guess Obama? We'll see...tomorrow.

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